Periodontal Treatment
Periodontal treatment methods depend upon the type and severity of the disease. Dr. Fielding and the dental hygienist will evaluate for periodontal disease and recommend the appropriate treatment.
Periodontal disease progresses as the sulcus (pocket or space) between the tooth and gums gets filled with bacteria, plaque, and tartar, causing irritation to the surrounding tissues. When these irritants remain in the pocket space they, and the immune response they elicit, can cause damage to the gums and eventually the bone that supports the teeth.
If the disease is caught in the early stages of gingivitis, and no bone loss and deep pocketing have occurred, one to two regular cleanings are generally recommended. In some cases, people have severe bacterial infections with only the signs and symptoms of gingivitis. In such cases, we may recommend multiple visits for bacterial examinations to be sure the infection is under control. You will also be given instructions on improving your daily oral hygiene habits and having regular dental cleanings. Oral irrigation (using a Waterpik or Viajet at home) is an integral part of home care for treating bacterial infections under the gums, and we may recommend one for you depending on the results of your bacterial examination. We may also recommend a laser treatment as part of your regular cleaning appointment. This is called laser periodontal decontamination and involves the use of an Nd-Yag laser called the MVP-7 to reduce or eliminate the bacteria under your gums, and requires no anesthesia. This procedure will be available starting mid-2022.
If the disease has progressed to more advanced stages (periodontitis), a special periodontal treatment called Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP®) may be recommended. It is usually performed two quadrants (one half) of the mouth at a time while the area is numb. In this procedure, tartar, plaque, and toxins are removed from above and below the gum line (scaling) with an ultrasonic instrument and antimicrobial solution, along with the selective removal of diseased tissue and bacteria with an Nd-Yag laser called the MVP-7. The gums are not cut and there is no suturing involved. Generally, people experience only mild post-operative discomfort, far less than traditional periodontal surgery. Antibiotics, special medicated mouth rinses, and an electric tooth brush may be recommended to help control infection and promote healing. To control clenching and grinding forces on the teeth that exacerbate bone loss, your bite will be adjusted by selectively recontouring the enamel of teeth that are loose or have bone loss around them. A bite guard will also be made to help splint your teeth and control clenching and grinding forces that may be occurring at night. This protocol not only helps gum tissue to heal and pockets to shrink, but it can actually regenerate lost bone and gum attachment to the roots of your teeth. Bone and tissue attachment regeneration are unique to LANAP®, giving it a tremendous advantage over traditional surgical and non-surgical treatments currently available.
Just as medical doctors treat the cause of infections first by proper diagnosis, and then by administration of antibiotics or antimicrobial agents to eliminate the infection, we believe in doing the same. Proper diagnosis through bacterial examinations and proper treatment using non-surgical techniques for gingivitis, and the LANAP® protocol for periodontitis, will help ensure success in your fight against gum disease.
Please click on the links below for more information about LANAP®.
LANAP Information for Patients LANAP Patient Flyer.pdf
Dr. Fielding was asked to be part of the National Education Team raising awareness about Gum Disease. Take a look at the following videos about gum disease and LANAP that were made for this effort!